Running with a Baby Inside Your Belly

What does running feel like with a baby inside you? This is a question I get frequently. At first, when I did a test run at 18 weeks, it felt weird. It felt like my stomach was full of water and I wasn’t sure if bouncing up and down while running was good for my baby. I quit after 1.5 miles and talked to my doctor about it. She said it was normal to feel that way and it is perfectly fine to keep running since my placenta is attached to the top of the wall of my uterus and I am having a very healthy pregnancy. Continue reading

Is it Safe to Run While Pregnant?

This a question that we have been trying to figure out. The answer is that it depends on your physical ability, pregnancy and how your body responds. Babycenter and multiple sources state that you should not start running if you have not run before or have not had a regular run routine before you became pregnant. Always consult with your doctor before you set up your running routine. Continue reading

How I Ran Before I Became Pregnant

Where I started
I am not a “beginner” runner that has a history of sports or track in their high school years.  Sometimes I hear about these “beginners” that had ran when they were in high school and has a higher VO2 max capacity than me on day one.  I went home like a nerd and read books when everyone else was practicing their healthy habits. Continue reading

29&30 Weeks: Hulu and Treadmill

On week 30, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.  This was a huge disappointment since moderate exercise is said to reduce the chances of getting GD while pregnant. Not to mention, I have only gained 12 lbs at this point (+25 – 35 lbs total is recommended) and started at a low 114lbs. However, life and pregnancy goes on and I needed to stay positive and do what is best for my health and my baby’s health.

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28 Weeks: Hiking and Walking with Stitches

Finally entering my longly awaited third trimester, I spent more miles on my feet. I ran and hiked 5 days out of 7. Gradually increasing my mileage for the last few weeks had triggered my “I want to run fast and long” instinct. However, my body didn’t seem to cooperate so much. I was still running on the flatlands of Nebraska at this point, but was having a harder time going for longer runs and had to walk so often.  This was slowing down my average miles per minute and it was frustrating me. I had to remind myself that I am pregnant and I needed to take it easy. Continue reading

Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

Getting diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes was a huge slap in my face. How could I possibly have it? I am far from a candidate! It is said that the causes are unknown, but most women that get it fall in the following category. Continue reading

26 Weeks: Depressed Because I Couldn’t Run

For week 26, I stayed with my in-laws in Colorado. My in-laws suggested that I wouldn’t run while I am there because of the altitude. The altitude in the city I was staying at was roughly around 6000 ft. I hadn’t asked my doctor about this, so I didn’t have enough confidence in my argument, so I did as I was told. I surfed around the internet, but wasn’t really able to find adequate information from a credible source. Even the ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) didn’t have much say in this, but mentioned to be aware of altitude sickness. Continue reading

25 Weeks: Too Excited to Run

Second week back into running again and 25th week of my pregnancy. I started off running in the foothills located right near Boise downtown. The elevation change is not significant, but you can get the sensation of running off trail. Not to mention how beautiful the skies are in Boise this time of the year with no clouds. Continue reading

24 Weeks: Ease Back into Running

For the first trimester, I consulted with my doctor and had a “Go for it!” ticket for running, but I was too timid to run. Not to mention I was working 60 hour weeks and all I wanted to do is sleep after work. Then I experienced the brutal summer of Tokyo and stuck to swimming and yoga in air conditioning. It wasn’t till week 24 when I was ready to start running again. (Also, my nurse told me that I needed to get back into running immediately if I want to recover faster and attend races postpartum) Continue reading